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AnimeSharp - animating people (BETA)ProjectsICQICQ SkinsICQ6 Skins - Bord Instructions
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Author Topic: ICQ6 Skins - Bord Instructions  (Read 31619 times)
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« on: 29. April 2007, 13:40:53 »

Hello, you may post your Skins here!

Also please include a picture and/or description.

Please do not upload installers, just use Archives like ZIP or RAR. Installers to skins' downloads will be added, if we think it's needed. Due to the possibility of maliciuos and virus files, such files will get deleted.
Please keep in mind to enable everyone using the following instructions.

1. Get WinRAR from if you don't already have it
2. Download the file from here and open it
3. unpack and put your Skin in folder in C:\Program Files\ICQ6\Packages\ (create it if it is not there)
4. restart ICQ
5. set your Skin in the options
6. done

You need to register to post skins.

German contaxt:
Hallo, Du kannst hier deine Skins posten.

Achtet bitte darauf, dass folgende Anleitung allen(!) hilft.
1. Downloade WinRAR von falls Du es nicht bereits hast.
2. Downloade die Archivdatei von hier und oeffne sie.
3. Entpacke den Skin Ordner in C:\Programme\ICQ6\Packages\ (erstelle das Verzeichnis, wenn es noch nicht vorhanden ist)
4. Starte ICQ erneut
5. Aktiviere den Skin in den Optionen
6. Fertig

Bitte auch ein Bild und oder eine Beschreibung beifuegen.

Bitte ladet keine Installationsprogramme hoch, nur Archive wie ZIP oder RAR. Installationsprogramme werden bei Bedarf hinzugefuegt. Aufgrund der Moeglichkeit fehlerhafter oder virenhaltiger Dateien, werden derartige Dateien geloescht.

Du musst dich registrieren, um Skins hochzuladen.

If you are uploading skins, use WinRAR to archive them with best compression to save Filesize.
Enter the following into the archive's comment:
This file contains a <Name> Skin.

The sample skin file was optimized in performance and made
by Dorian Muthig. You may NOT remove this confidentality
note, nor change it in any manner except for entering your
name as to be the one who has made this skin. You may use
either an Alias you use on the net or your real name. Furthermore
you may only change the images, sizing and colors in this skin,
aswell as entering your name and skin's name to the spacers below
or the Filename descriptor above the confidentality note. The author
of this skin can share it as he/she wants. You may or may not edit it,
as the author can define. This Skin may or may not be distributed by
ICQ, AOL Time Warner or AnimeSharp - animating people.
Furthermore you agree by publishing a skin, to entitle the named
organisations and groups to put your skin on their website without
naming or asking you. Also the named organisations and groups
will NOT be held responsible for functionality NOR anything else
regarding custom, user created skins. For customer support please
visit the appropriate websites of the here named organisations and

This skin is based on the sample skin by Dorian Muthig released by
AnimeSharp - animating people.

Skin made by <your name>

It needs to be placed properly in
<ICQ6 directory>\packages\

This File was provided by AnimeSharp - animating people

Your Post should look like this:

Title: <Name> Skin
This is a <Name> Skin made by <Your Name>.
[i‍mg]URL to your image (you may also upload it here), see other Skin's posts to see how it should look like.[/img]
Download right below.
Please use the forums' upload function to upload the file (your link will be about here then).
You can find the upload funtion by pressing the [ + ] Button at the end of the posting page.

« Last Edit: 12. January 2008, 17:51:09 by ドド » Logged

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