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 on: 28. February 2008, 22:58:50 
Started by lecoicqbrasil - Last post by lecoicqbrasil
Tanks  Wink
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 on: 18. February 2008, 18:02:18 
Started by lecoicqbrasil - Last post by Dorian
Tank you brother!

I am making a skin based on the "Simple Cold."

It will be called ICQ Classic. (Old Skin)
And I needed to change the icons to give an appearance "ICQ 2002" in the skin
First off, it is bad to use other Skins as a basis, they might not be as new as the sample provided here. Secondly, you might violate applicable copyrights. Wink

You can download an recently updated Sample here.
The Status Icon Styles and image referenced have been commented out. Be aware, that users might be confused if those icons change.
<!-- ICQ Status Icon Styles -->
<!-- Do not use! Confuses users and might cause unexpected behavior -->
<!-- old status style (not sure if completely unused)
<bitmap id="image.Status.OffLine"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Connecting"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Waiting"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Standby"

<bitmap id="image.Status.NoConnection"

<bitmap id="image.UserStatus.Available"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_avail.png" />
<bitmap id="image.UserStatus.Offline"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_off.png" />
<bitmap id="image.UserStatus.Away" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_away.png"

<bitmap id="image.UserStatus.Dnd" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_dnd.png" />
<!-- New Status Style, enable for usage, by removing comment tags and change icons in skin

<!-- Connect status icons -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.Overlay.Away"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Overlay.Busy"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Overlay.Out"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Statuses/na.png"/> -->
<!-- Used as icon over moods -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Visibility.Overlay.Invisible"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/invisible.png"/> -->
<!-- Standard Mood -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Mood.Standard"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Moods/standard.png"/> -->
<!-- Used for menu items -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Invisibility.Active"

<bitmap id="image.Invisibility.NotActive"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Moods/standard.png"/> -->
<!-- Domain: Phone -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.Phone.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Phone.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Phone.Available"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Statuses/phone.png"/> -->
<!-- Domain: ICQ -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Available"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Moods/standard.png"/> -->
<!-- special image for auto-sms (Follow Me) -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.AutoSMS" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/auto-

sms.png"/> -->
<!-- Domain: AOL -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Available"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/IcqStateIcons/Moods/aim.png"/> -->
<!-- Typing indicator -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.Typing" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/typing.png"/>
<bitmap id="image.Status.Transparent"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/transparent.png"/> -->
<!-- Domain: ICQ, kUserStatus -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.UnknownAvailableOffline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.AvailableOffline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.InvisibleAvailable"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Available"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.InvisibleAway"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Away"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.InvisibleOut"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Out" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_out.png"/>
<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.InvisibleDnd"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Dnd" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_dnd.png"/>
<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.InvisibleBusy"

<bitmap id="image.Status.ICQ.Busy" src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_dnd.png"/>

<!-- Domain: kUserDomain_External -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.External"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/phoneStatus_avail.png"/> -->
<!-- Domain: kUserDomain_AOL -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Available"

<bitmap id="image.Status.AOL.Away"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/aimStatus_away.png"/> -->
<!-- Owner statuses, kUserStatus -->
<!-- <bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Unknown"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Offline"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Available"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Away"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Out"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Dnd"

<bitmap id="image.Status.Owner.Busy"

src="images/Common/IcqIcons/StatusIcons/status_dnd.png"/> -->
The above Section should be found in the Skin's Boxely BOX file. Remove the Comment tags, and edit the icons, to make them work.
I am correcting the skins and posting for brazilian users.

Many do not understand any of the new features in ICQ...
Your blog looks nice, but I can't read it. Sad
I hope you asked the skin authors for permissions to publish their works, though. You know, you can always link to elsewhere. Smiley

PS: We do not like you to block the advertisements. Wink
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 on: 17. February 2008, 14:49:53 
Started by lecoicqbrasil - Last post by lecoicqbrasil
Tank you brother!

I am making a skin based on the "Simple Cold."

It will be called ICQ Classic. (Old Skin)
And I needed to change the icons to give an appearance "ICQ 2002" in the skin

I am correcting the skins and posting for brazilian users.

Many do not understand any of the new features in ICQ...
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 on: 17. February 2008, 09:35:19 
Started by lecoicqbrasil - Last post by Dorian
There is the possibility of adding icons to different skins?
Yes, there is a possibility, however, it has been removed from the Sample, because changing those icons might confuse users. Wink
Since when choosing the skins they would be exchanged by the original?
It was possible since ICQ6 Build version 5352 (the initial non-beta release), to add skins with the package management system.
How do I change the icons of the skin?

not modifying the original icons!

We tried to bring a folder inside of my skin (Status Icons), but there is something to do in too?

There will be a new version of the skin sample with more possibilities and better comments in the Boxely library, soon. Also, the Skins available here, do not yet work properly with the new version (except for the sample). As for upcoming system changes, it will take some time, to update them.
Sorry the bad english...xD Google Translation rulez... =-)
Indeed Smiley
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 on: 17. February 2008, 09:27:40 
Started by Smint - Last post by Dorian
Es ist möglich, aber es erfordert das Ändern der ICQ Sprachdateien. Diese werden allerdings bei Äderungen der Software durch neuere Versionen ersetzt. Das Ändern über eine Option ist bis jetzt noch nicht möglich.
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 on: 15. February 2008, 23:34:09 
Started by lecoicqbrasil - Last post by lecoicqbrasil
There is the possibility of adding icons to different skins? Since when choosing the skins they would be exchanged by the original?

How do I change the icons of the skin?

not modifying the original icons!

We tried to bring a folder inside of my skin (Status Icons), but there is something to do in too?


Sorry the bad english...xD Google Translation rulez... =-)
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 on: 13. February 2008, 18:05:00 
Started by Smint - Last post by schumi_01

ich habe ein problem mit dem Optionen Fenster wenn ich einen Skin mit schwarzem Fensterhintergrund designe. Ich finde keine Option um die Standardschriftfarbe im Optionenfenster auf Weiß zu setzten, und so ist bei jedem schwarzen hintergrund den ich verwende die schrift im Optionenfenster nicht sichtbar. Kann mir da jemand helfen?

Grüße, NoSmint

ich bin Tscheche, entschuldigen Sie bitte mein Deutsche!
Ich bin bemüht entnehmen, wie ist möglich wechseln die Farbe aus den Hintergrund im Fenster für ICQ 6.
Ist es möglich??? Vielen Danks!

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 on: 27. December 2007, 01:19:14 
Started by Dorian - Last post by Dorian
ICQ6 in Hebrew. Thanks a lot to the unknown translator!


Quote from: Installation instructions
1. Exit ICQ6
2. Unpack into ICQ6 directory 'C:\Program Files\ICQ6\Packages'
3. (Re-)Start ICQ6
4. Apply in the Options
5. Restart ICQ6

Download right below.

 on: 23. December 2007, 22:00:03 
Started by Dorian - Last post by Dorian
This guide will explain how to quick update an old ICQ 6 Skin to work with the new version, which displays the contact names in the contact list and the message window tabs ontop of the status icons. This operation will NOT add the missing images which were introduced (and are green). It will only prevent ICQ from overlapping contact names over the status icons and fix the message session issue.

Therefor you need to open the Skin's BOX file (which in case of the Sample Skin would be with a text editor.
Then search for the following:
<!-- ===============  styling the Contact List colors for Contacts ================= -->
<style id="icqCLItemUserStyle" tag="icqCLItemUser" margin="0" padding="0 0 2 0" fontFamily="Tahoma" strokeWidth="1" strokePattern="solid" >
<attribute name="navigActive" value="0">
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="0">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBg)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgOver)" />
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="1">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgDis)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgDisOver)" />
<attribute name="navigActive" value="1">
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="0">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBg)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgOver)" />
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="1" >
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgPress)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgPressOver)" />

<part name="partItemUser" flex="1" paddingTop="2">
<part name="partLabelBox" vAlign="center" padding="0 3"  flex="1" />
<part name="partLabel" textColor="#000000" crop="right" flex="1" width="30" maxWidth="auto">
<part name="CommunicationBox" maxWidth="auto" flex="1" overflow="hidden" height="18" maxheight="18"/>
<part name="partCommunicationLineHost" flex="1">
<attribute name="quickIMMode" value="true" paddingLeft="2"/>
<attribute name="quickIMMode" value="false" paddingLeft="8"/>
<part name="partStatusIcon" margin="1 3 0 8"/>
<part name="unreadMsgIcon" margin="1 3 0 8"/>
<part name="quickIMBtn" hAlign="right">
<attribute name="expanded" value="false" width="1" height="1" margin="2 0"/>
<attribute name="expanded" value="true" width="10" height="9" margin="0" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic)">
<state name="hovered" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic-ov)" />
<state name="pressed" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic-pr)" />
And replace it with:
<!-- ===============  styling the Contact List colors for Contacts ================= -->
<style id="icqCLItemUserStyle" tag="icqCLItemUser" margin="0" padding="2 0 2 0" fontFamily="Tahoma">
<attribute name="navigActive" value="0">
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="0">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBg)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgOver)" />
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="1">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgDis)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgDisOver)" />
<attribute name="navigActive" value="1">
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="0">
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBg)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgOver)" />
<attribute name="navigSelected" value="1" >
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="0" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgPress)" />
<attribute name="navigHilited" value="1" fill="url(#Brush.sGlbCLRowBgPressOver)" />

<part name="HeadingBox" vAlign="center" padding="2 3"/>
<part name="partBuddyFeedIcon" position="fixed" top="1" left="1" width="6"/>
<part name="partUserStatus" position="fixed" left="8" top="-1"/>
<part name="partBirthdayIcon" marginLeft="28" marginRight="-25"/>
<part name="partLabel" textColor="#000000" crop="right" width="30" maxWidth="auto" marginLeft="28"/>
   <part name="quickIMBtn" hAlign="right">
<attribute name="expanded" value="false" width="1" height="1" margin="2 0"/>
<attribute name="expanded" value="true" width="10" height="9" margin="0" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic)">
       <state name="hovered" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic-ov)" shadowColor="#0044aa" shadowOpacity="50%" shadowRadius="1" shadowLeft="0" shadowTop="1" shadowKeying="alpha"/>
       <state name="pressed" fill="url(#image.icqCL.quickIM-ic-pr)" colorAdd="none" paddingLeft="0" paddingTop="-2" shadowLeft="0" shadowTop="0"/>

<part name="CommunicationBox" maxWidth="auto" height="18" maxHeight="18" overflow="hidden">
  <attribute name="quickIMMode" value="true" paddingLeft="8"/>
  <attribute name="quickIMMode" value="false" paddingLeft="8"/>

Then search for:
<!-- ===============  styling the message window tabs ================= -->
<style tag="icqMsgSessionTab" minWidth="50" width="110" maxWidth="110" padding="0" minHeight="30" vAlign="center" hAlign="center" hSpace="0" vSpace="0">
<part name="tab" minWidth="50" hSpace="0" vSpace="0" margin="0">
<state name="hovered"/>
<part name="partStatusIcon" marginTop="6">
<state name="pressed" marginTop="6"/>
<state name="toggled" marginTop="6"/>
<state name="selected" marginTop="6"/>
<part zIndex="10" name="partEventIcon" position="fixed" width="auto" height="auto"/>
<part name="icon" fill="none"/>
<part name="sTabsBackground" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-notselected)" hAlign="left" padding="0" height="29" minWidth="50" maxWidth="110" width="110" crop="right" margin="0" fontFamily="Tahoma" fontSize="10">
<state name="hovered" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-notselected-over)" />
<state name="pressed" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)"  />
<state name="toggled" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
<state name="selected" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
<state name="disabled" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
<!-- this defines font style of the tab buttons -->
<part name="label" hAlign="left" padding="0" height="16" minWidth="50" maxWidth="50" width="50" crop="right" margin="2 0 0 2" fontFamily="Tahoma" fontSize="10">
<state name="hovered" textColor="#00745d" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" />
<state name="pressed" textColor="#00745d" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2"/>
<state name="toggled" textColor="#00745d" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2"/>
<state name="selected" textColor="#00745d" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2"/>
<state name="disabled" textColor="#00745d" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2"/>
<part name="btnClose" position="fixed" right="10" top="8" height="13">
<part name="icon" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabSelected)">
<state name="hovered" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabHovered)" />
<state name="selected" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabSelected)" />
<state name="pressed" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabPressed)" />
<part name="label" fill="none"/>
<part name="iconRight" fill="none"/>
And replace that with:
<!-- ===============  styling the message window tabs ================= -->
<style tag="icqMsgSessionTab" minWidth="50" width="110" maxWidth="110" padding="0" minHeight="30" vAlign="center" hAlign="center" hSpace="0" vSpace="0">
    <part name="tab" minWidth="50" hSpace="0" vSpace="0" margin="0">
 <part name="iconImage" marginTop="6" />
      <part name="idStatus" marginTop="6" paddingRight="18" >
        <state name="pressed" marginTop="6"/>
        <state name="toggled" marginTop="6"/>
        <state name="selected" marginTop="6"/>

      <part name="icon" fill="none"/>

      <part name="sTabsBackground" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-notselected)" hAlign="left" padding="0" height="29" minWidth="50" maxWidth="110" width="110" crop="right" margin="0" fontFamily="Tahoma" fontSize="10">
        <state name="hovered" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-notselected-over)" />
        <state name="pressed" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
        <state name="toggled" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
        <state name="selected" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />
        <state name="disabled" fill="url(#image.Msg-tab-selected)" />

      <part name="label" hAlign="left" padding="0" height="16" minWidth="50" maxWidth="50" width="50" crop="right" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabel">
        <state name="hovered" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabelover"/>
        <state name="pressed" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabelpress"/>
        <state name="toggled" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabeltoggle"/>
        <state name="selected" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabelSelect"/>
        <state name="disabled" padding="0" margin="2 0 0 2" inherits="#sGlbTabLabeldisable"/>

    <part name="btnClose" position="fixed" right="10" top="8" height="13">
      <part name="icon" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabSelected)">
        <state name="hovered" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabHovered)" />
        <state name="selected" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabSelected)" />
        <state name="pressed" icon="url(#MsgSessionTab.CloseButton.TabPressed)" />
      <part name="label" fill="none"/>
      <part name="iconRight" fill="none"/>

Then go to the Images\IcqMessageDlg folder inside the Skin's folder and open the edit.css file. Then add the following at its bottom:
/* Zlango related styles */
    display: inline;
    position: relative;
    direction: ltr;
    top: 7;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 100%;
    color: #939598;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-family: arial;
After that, open the Combined.css file in the same folder and add this at the bottom:
/* Zlango related styles */
    display: inline;
    position: relative;
    direction: ltr;
    top: 7;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 100%;
    color: #939598;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-family: arial;

/* Drag and Drop User */
/*span{font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial; color:#579da8; font-size:11px;}*/
    width: auto;
    font-family: verdana,tahoma,arial;
    color: #579da8;
    font-size: 11px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    font-weight: bold;
    float: right;
    vertical-align: middle;
    padding-right: 5;
    vertical-align: middle;
    padding-left: 12;
    padding-top: 0;
.linkPos a
    margin-right: 11px;
    float: left;
    margin-left: 12;
    margin-right: 12;
    margin-top: 14;
    margin-left: 1;
    width: auto;
    word-wrap: normal;
    padding-top: 15px;
#innerDiv span
    width: auto;
    word-wrap: normal;
    font-family: Tahoma;
    color: red;
    color: Red;
    background-color: Green;
Then go to the Images\Common\IcqDhtmlObjects folder and copy the contents from the same folder of the Sample Skin to that folder (There should be folders named FileXfer, IcqMessageDlg and SMS.

After you finished, restart the ICQ software and your Skin should work properly again. However, any new elements which were introduced with the new ICQ version will remain unchanged (and therefor green).

 on: 19. December 2007, 22:37:00 
Started by Dorian - Last post by Dorian
Since December 17th 2007 there is a Slovak ICQ version available from the ICQ business partner Zoznam. It's Build 5974.

Download here

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